Paulo Cambra
Senior Researcher
Instituto Superior Técnico
Paulo is an Urban Planner from the Instituto Superior Técnico. Before embracing planning he first graduated in Electrical Engineering. He graduated in 2005 in Territorial Engineering, PostGrad in Real Estate Management and Appraisal in 2008, MSc in Urbanism and Spatial Planning in 2012. Professionally he has collaborated in multidisciplinary teams, making spatial plans and mobility plans in various locations. He is a PhD in Transportation Systems in the MIT Portugal doctoral program. His research focus has been urban mobility, namely walkability and walking. His thesis is about exploring the effects of urban interventions in changing walking behaviour. As a parallel interest he is keen is bringing technology and data into active mobility, having successfully participated in innovative ideas competitions with active mobility related projects. He is also an enthusiast organic farmer and an ethno-gastronomy aficionado.
Research Interests:
- Walkability
- Active mobility
- Urban planning
- Urban design