
Patrícia Baptista

Assistant Professor

Instituto Superior Técnico

Patrícia Baptista received the Chemistry degree in 2006 and the Ph.D. degree in Sustainable Energy Systems within the MIT Portugal Program in 2011 from Instituto Superior Técnico. She is currently an Assistant Researcher at IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research at IST. Her main research topics have been on energy and environmental impacts of alternative energy sources and technologies, life-cycle assessment, driver behavior and feedback, vehicle monitoring, electric mobility, urban logistics, and policy analysis. Patrícia has published 34 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, along with 6 book chapters and 40 conference papers, and has also participated in 9 competitive scientific projects. On the teaching component, Patrícia has successfully supervised 21 M.Sc. and 1 Ph.D. students and taught in undergraduate courses (2 times), in M.Sc. (6 times) and Ph.D. level courses (3 times). Currently, she is supervising 1 Ph.D. students and 9 M.Sc. students. Regarding knowledge transfer, she has engaged with a wide range of stakeholders, including business and industry stakeholders, through 3 services projects and 16 industrial consultancy projects.

Research Interests:

  • Sustainable mobility
  • Alternative mobility solutions
  • Electric mobility
  • Life cycle assessment
  • Energy and environmental impacts